Naughty tittygrams, just tell us your message you want on our Kiwi Strippers or selected promo models boobs and we’ll do the rest! A New Zealand first, stuck for an idea for a friends birthday and want to send him something straight to their phone, have one of our beautiful models make a photo or a video for you. You will receive a shareable link when we’ve created your tittygram for you.
If you’re a business, and want to advertise yourself in a cheeky, r18 rated promotion, then this is certainly going to get the message out their in a fun, provocative way. Have a friend that’s down, then buy a tittygram to cheer him up.
Perfect for promoting your bar, event or party. Give us a call today on 021 151 9266 with your message and we’ll organise your message with a photo / video. Get your tittygram here.
Burger King is now advertising tittygrams on women’s breasts in Russia
Burger King has come under fierce criticism for advertising on “tittygram” – a Russian website which displays messages across the exposed chest of a model.
On the Tittygrams website, based in Moscow, customers can pay around £6.65 to have a model write any message (so long as it’s 35 characters or less) on their chest.
Within an hour of you order, your custom-made Tittygram photo will pop up in your inbox.
The marketing boffins that run Burger King’s official account on, Russia’s version of Facebook, clearly found the idea of writing on boobs so completely and utterly hilarious that they decided to get in on the act.
In the photo that appears on page, the phrase “I love Burger King!” is seen scrawled across a woman’s chest and text above the photo promises more.
The caption added to the photo says: “Do you want this to be your name? Every week the most active community member will receive this kind of named message. It’s not just your Whoppers that cooked on a real fire, everything with us is on fire.”
Many were left unimpressed by Burger Kings actions with user Anastacia Zarechenskya commenting: “Does Burger King need customers so badly that they will stoop to such vulgarity?”
Katay Tarelinka wrote: “If your product was any good you wouldn’t need sexism to sell it.”
Tittygram markets itself as “Uber for Boobs” and has, according to CEO Vladimir Gritsenko, proved so popular that staff are working 24 hours a day and over 2,000 photos have been sent out already.
According to The Moscow Times the majority of Tittygram users send birthday or congratulations messages.
Models are reportedly paid only around 150 roubles (around £2) per tittygrams and, as with Uber, there is a surcharge to customers is demand is high.
Gritsenko defended his company against accusations of sexism, saying: “Nobody forces them to do it.”
He said he doesn’t allow offensive messages to appear on the models and was shocked when the site launched in the US at the start of April and around 20 per cent of would-be clients wanted “bad words”, which would be “offensive for the models and for other people”.
Burger King could not be reached for comment but it is understood that the use of the Tittygram was a decision taken by individuals in charge of the social media account rather than the company itself.